

Real estate scraping

Online real estate business offers extensive advantageous opportunities thanks to digitizing: you can curate real-time updates, regularly check indexed listings, and benefit from analyzing an exhaustive set of data points. Nowadays, scraping technology makes it all easy. When it comes to web scraping of real estate data, people search for various details such as property information, price, addresses, images, reviews, agent information, seller profiles and much more. Web crawlers can surf the web in a structured approach much like a search engine, and detect the most credible and informative pre-defined real estate data points out of this list. Then, a web scraper will extract the information from the relevant web pages for you and your clients. To make your real estate business even more successful, you should complement the basic property details with additional information of agents and brokers, value assessment providers, legal teams, etc.

Your clients may also be interested in the following details:

  • Previous property owners
  • Nearby entertainment
  • Infrastructure
  • Workplace proximity
  • Security
  • Other people interested

Web crawling and scraping up-to-date real estate information regularly will allow you to cover a large spectrum of such questions, and offer your customers the best service.

Data scraping technologies allow investors to collect and analyze all real estate listings in their particular region according to zip code and analyze them. You can define property prices and compare them to similar properties in your region. You can also determine the best time to buy or sell properties.